Intromission: How to Make a Spiderman Cake

In this instructable I will bear witness you how to make a Spiderman Patty. Spiderman is one of my darling superheroes. I had a request to make a superhero cake so I decided to make a Spiderman patty. One of my near friends also likes Spiderman, so I decided to surprise him with this cake. This cake is pretty easy to make, it gets a trifle slow putting on the black fondant for the webbing, but if I can have sex, you ass do information technology. Let's get baking!

If you happen to like this instructable please vote for IT in the cake decorating competition! :) It is much pleasing.

If you have any questions surgery comments, position them pile infra and I will get back to you as soon as I can buoy.

Follow the steps below or watch the video tutorial, or perform both!

Step 1: Ingredients/Tools

Mark this formula here if you like.


  • 1 Cake Desegregate (any sapidity, or pull round from scratch, and related to ingredients)
  • Frosting (any flavor)
  • Cherry-red Fondant 24 oz
  • Black Fondant 4 oz
  • White Fondant 4 oz
  • Water supply


  • 10 edge cake pan
  • 12 inch cake card
  • Aluminum foil
  • Spiderman Face Printout (from online)
  • Rolling Pin or Fondant Rolling PIN number
  • Fondant Smoother (optional)
  • Spatula
  • Scissors grip
  • Toothpick
  • Knife
  • Wizened Paint Brush

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Footmark 2: Broil Cake

First we need to bake our cake. I just used a time-honored chocolate cake mix. You can use up your own deary cake recipe here or use a coat mix from the store. I baked mine in a 10 edge in round cake pan. Then let your cake unemotional completely. Ask it out of the pan and place on a patty circuit board. I am using a 12 column inch patty instrument panel which I covered with aluminium foil.

Step 3: Cut back and Shape Cake

Now we need to trim and shape our cake. I number one lop off the top a bit bit. Then I put off a spiderman templet, which I made from an image I found online, on top of the cake and cut around information technology with a knife. Next I trim the sides little by little until I go the shape of the face that I want. Only take a little disconnected at a time, you john forever take more slay, information technology's harder if you trim too much unsatisfactory. But if that happens, you will just have to fleck it with frosting and leftover cake, or fondant.

Step 4: Frost the Coat

Now frost the cake completely. I am victimization a chocolate buttercream ice. You bum use any kind of frosting that you want.

Dance step 5: Apply Fondant and Trim It

Now we need to apply our red fondant. Number 1 rent your fondant retired of its package and knead it a bit until it gets really nice and soft, about 2 to 4 minutes operating room so. And then using a rolling pin or fondant reverberating pin roll out the fondant to be a few inches in diam large then your cake and close to 1/8 of an inch thick-skulled. Now roll it back onto the rolled peg lightly, then roll it back over the cake. Next habit your hands to equip it to the cake. At this point you can use a fondant electric sander if you like. Then take a stab and well-kept off the spare fondant at the base of the nerve.

Step 6: Cut away Taboo the Eyes

Close we take our guide and cut up out the eyes, the print part, sol the whole eye. Then straighten approximately black fondant (take in sure to knead it first) and with a knife cut around the eye template you precisely ready-made. You should wind awake with two black eye pieces.

Step 7: Cut Out White Part of Eye

Now we create a guide for the white part of the middle, just cutting that part away from the fateful. Then roll kneaded ashen fondant and place the heart small-arm on it, then cut around it with a stab. Next place that Edward White piece connected tipto of the covert piece. Use a bit of water underneath to act as glue to hold it in place.

Step 8: Aim Eyes on Face

Today using our template line it up along our cake, so we receive a guide on where to order our eyes. Then using some water, we attach the eyes to the cake. It's merging nicely!

Dance step 9: Add the Webbing

Now comes the fun and tedious division! We pauperism to cast out slim string out like pieces of black fondant for the webbing, then attach them to the cake. We leave use a bit of H2O to hold it in localise. It is a saintlike idea to use a toothpick and draw your lines first. I start with the uncurved lines down the middle of the aspect first. Then perform the sides of the face. Once you consume those complete you are ready to do the inner webbing parts. Again make little lines with your toothpick, exploitation your guide for a guide. Past add a bit of water with your paintbrush, and place the fondant. Then your awful Spiderman Patty will be realised! It is a great present and sure to impress your kids, friends, etc.

Gradation 10: Video Tutorial

Print this recipe here if you like.

Don't leave to watch the video tutorial and watch the steps come to life!

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