iv ways to make money with Power BI

Ahmed Oyelowo (MVP, MCT, AFM)

Ahmed Oyelowo (MVP, MCT, AFM)

Power BI Coach

While listening to a group of employees talk nigh money and motivation in the workplace, what came to heed was Frederick Herzberg's "Two-Factor Theory". If you lot have taken some operation management related courses, yous would take come up across Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene Theory. Co-ordinate to Herzberg, Motivation factors, true to the name, are factors that motivate employees. They are not to be mistaken with Hygiene Factors such equally Bacon which do not motivate. Yes, Salary is non a motivation factor but rather an Hygiene factor. If your salary is doubled, information technology won't brand you double your efforts or double your productivity. Even so, while motivation factors motivate, the lack of hygiene factors lead to dissatisfaction, it demotivates.

Merely the truth is, everybody likes money and nosotros care less whether it is motivating or hygienic, we dear it, we need it, and nosotros will get in in any legit manner, 4 of which i will discuss hither.

What is Power BI?

Without boring yous with also much details, Power BI is a Microsoft tool for self-service business organisation intelligence. Business organisation Intelligence is only a process of analyzing data to proceeds insights for making intelligent business organisation decisions.

I once asked a supermarket possessor on my street why she closes her store at 8pm on Sundays and her response to me was "Since 10am? the body needs rest". I spoke to her virtually BI and promised to do a free assay for her with Microsoft Ability BI using 2 years of her sales data (I was in a joyous mood, my team had just won the UEFA Champions League Bays a mean solar day before). "How long will this take"? she asked and I told her I would be washed in less than 5 minutes. Who would believe that? Analyse 2 years of sales data with insights from a dashboard in less than five minutes. I dashed across the street to get my laptop from the house and returned.

We found out from her data that about 25% of her total daily sales everyday from Mondays to Saturdays happen between the hours of 8pm and 10pm. The data also showed that sales volume and values on Sundays usually pick up from 4pm. So I told her, "You want more residuum time on Sundays? open up your store later than y'all do, and close later than you currently do"

I hope the above story has been able to clarify Business organization Intelligence, Self-service business organisation intelligence and Power BI to you. With Power BI you can quickly go from information to insights within minutes and really anyone can practice this as much as anyone uses Excel. If you ain a concern, that's i manner to make coin with Power BI. Analyse your information, become insights and make intelligent decisions. But this commodity is not for the business, it's for individuals. You tin can learn more than about Power BI from Power BI website

four means to brand money with Power BI

If you want to make some money with Ability BI, you kickoff have to arm yourself with the skills required. And information technology is not so difficult, particularly if you already have a background with Microsoft Excel. Even with zero feel, you can learn this tool from ground crawling to walking within a couple of weeks and with a lot of exercise, y'all'll soon be running fast and even fly. And then, hither are some of the ways to make some money:

  1. Employment income: With Power BI noesis, getting a new job with better package is much easier, if your organization refuses to improve your parcel based on your new powerful skill. Maybe your electric current role has no utilise for information assay, yous can show your system the value y'all can bring to the table with Power BI and negotiate new terms.
  2. Become a trainer : Once you perfect your skills, ane of the easiest ways to earn is to brainstorm to train people on using this in-demand skills. The practiced affair hither is, unlike Microsoft Excel training, the market for Power BI training is non yet saturated. Preparation an private for 2 to five days period can go for up to $300 and I take come across some Ability BI training as high equally $2,500. If yous are able to train 100 individuals in a yr for $300 each, y'all are looking at $thirty,000.
  3. Become a consultant : So many companies are looking for ways to better their lesser line. They are looking to increase revenue and reduce costs. They have answers in their information, and yous every bit a Power BI annotator can assistance them reply their questions. Merely place your ideal clients, piece of work out your pricing strategy, accept a solid marketing program, go to marketplace and come back home with money.
  4. Write a book: Another absurd manner to make some money is by writing books. Power BI is just iii years erstwhile now and you can make some money providing valuable content. This is not the easiest of the 4 ways, merely that is something you lot practice in one case and proceed making money. It will be practiced you revise your book from time to time though.

You tin really combine some or all the options as long as you lot have the chapters and capability to do so.

To conclude, Power BI has come to stay. More companies are starting to adopt Ability BI and looking for "datawise" individuals. They besides demand data analysis solutions every bit the globe has now realized the power of data.

Put powers into your easily, learn Power BI ASAP.

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