
How Much Money Is Spent On Healthcare In The United States Each Year

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What is the spending on Welfare?

In FY 2022 total The states government spending on welfare — federal, state, and local — is "guesstimated" to be $one,776 billion, including $823 billion for Medicaid, and $953 billion in other welfare.

United states of america Welfare Spending

Total United states authorities estimated spending for 2022 is $nine.10 trillion, including a budgeted $5.85 trillion federal, a "guesstimated" $2.31 trillion state, and a "guesstimated" $2.16 trillion local.

Click for Welfare Spending Analysis and Welfare Spending History.

Units: By default, values are displayed in billions of nominal dollars. Past using a dropdown control in the tabular array heading y'all can select millions of dollars, percent of Gross domestic product, percentage of federal full, percent of overall total, dollars per capita of population, and thousand dollars per capita of population.

Fiscal Year: The default year displayed is the current United states of america government fiscal year. Just you can select whatever twelvemonth you want using the dropdown control in the table heading. At the top and bottom of the dropdown only years ending in "0" are shown. Select a year to get close, then select the year you want. You tin can increase or subtract the year using the "twelvemonth" text links in the tabular array heading.

U.s. Budget Year: Past default, the table displays budgeted and estimated numbers from the near recent United states Federal Budget submitted to the Congress by the president. But you lot can look at numbers from other US Federal Budgets using this dropdown control.

total screen
GDP: $24,256.1 bln
$42,649.5 bln

State and Local Spending: By default, state and local spending are displayed separately. But you tin can select state'n local and display land and local spending combined.

U.s.a. or State: By default, the table shows values for governments in the United States overall. Merely for years after 1991 yous can select individual states by selecting the land dropdown command in the table heading or the text link right in a higher place information technology.

Pie Chart: Select a pie nautical chart you wish to brandish. You can create a pie chart for federal, land and local, and overall spending/revenue.

U.s.a. Federal
Land and Local Regime Spending
 United states CA >
Popular: 332.3 1000000
-5yr -1yr   Fiscal Year 2022 in $ billion   +1yr +5yr
View: people old function radical demography programs altprog oldprog COFOG

Change Data View: The default view of spending data is past function. But y'all can also view data by program or the United nations COFOG classification organization.

State and
Total  chart
[+] Social Security  1,219.5  0.0  0.0  1,219.5
[+] Medicare (Net)  760.9  0.0  0.0  760.9
[–] Medicaid: Start chart  561.8  -561.eight  822.5  822.5
[+] Medicaid  561.8  -561.8  822.5  822.v

Charts: Click on a to display a bar of data in a row or cavalcade of this table.
Click on to display a time-series chart of data in a row.

[+] Drill-downwards: Click on the [+] to drill down to more detailed numbers. For federal spending line items (merely not revenue) you lot tin drill down three levels to view nearly 4,000 items of spending at the "bureau code" level.

Other Welfare: Start chart  761.9  -211.7  402.9  953.1
[+] Family and children  529.two  233.9  575.4
[+] Unemployment  81.9  -12.v  105.9  175.3
[+] Unemployment trust  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
[+] Workmens compensation  61.4  0.0  0.0  61.4
[+] Housing  89.iv  -11.five  63.2  141.0
[+] Social exclusion n.east.c.  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
[+] R and D Social protection  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
[+] Social protection n.due east.c.  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
[+] Gov. Employee Pensions (Cyberspace)  46.3  0.0  331.viii  378.1
[+] Defence force  one,115.ii  0.0  1.0  1,116.ii
[+] All Other Spending  1,449.3  -397.1  2,845.three  3,897.6
[+] Balance  -63.4  -46.3  60.three  -49.4
[+] Total Government Spending  5,  -i,217.0  four,464.0  ix,098.6
[+] Federal Arrears  1,415.0  0.0  0.0  i,415.0
[+] Gross Public Debt  31,291.nine  0.0  3,293.1  34,584.9
[+] Agency GSE Debt  11,262.i  0.0  0.0  11,262.1
aggrandize / collapse      Click for Bar Chart ->

Pie Chart: Select a pie nautical chart you wish to display. Y'all can create a pie chart for federal, state and local, and overall spending/revenue.

b - estimated by United states of america budget
g - 'guesstimated' projection by
e - estimated by
Data Sources:
Gdp, Become: Gdp, GO Sources
Federal: Fed. Budget: Hist. Tables 3.2, 5.1, 7.i
State and Local: State and Local Gov. Finances
'Guesstimated' by projecting the latest alter in reported spending forward to future years
Switch to revenue

Spending Definitions

Social Security: Old Age Survivor Insurance, Disability Insurance.

Medicare (Cyberspace): Net wellness care for seniors, after substracting premiums and contributions.

Medicaid: Wellness treat the poor.

Other Welfare: Cash welfare, food stamps, unemployment benefits, workers compensation, housing, excluding health care.

Gov. Employee Pensions (Internet): Government employee pensions net cost.

Defense force: Military, foreign policy, veterans, strange aid.

All Other Spending: Health intendance (not Medicare or Medicaid); didactics; Law, fire, law courts, prisons; Road, rails, airports; Legislative, executive, finance; Research, economic evolution, agriculture, energy, environment; Interest on regime debt.

Full Authorities Spending: Federal: total outlays including grants to state and local. State and local: direct spending on programs.

Table Notes

The table shows overall government expenditures for the specified fiscal year. Spending totals are aggregated for each major government function.

  1. For the United States the table shows spending for all levels of authorities—federal spending, state spending, and local spending.
  2. For individual states the table shows expenditures for country and local governments but.

Intergovernmental Transfers: The column labeled "Gov. Xfer" in the table represents monies paid by the federal authorities as grants and assistance to state and local governments. These are "intergovernmental transfers."

For a discussion read All About Intergovernmental Transfers.

Federal Spending past Agency Code: If you lot drill down below the federal subfunction level you tin run across federal spending divide up into nigh four,000 bureau lawmaking accounts.

For a discussion read Federal Spending at the Agency Code Level

For explanation of Other Borrowing row meet weblog on "The Feds Infringe More than the 'Deficit.'"

You tin use controls on the table to change from display of nationwide spending information to individual states. Y'all can change the year or to drill downward to view more detailed spending information. You can as well view the spending data as percent of Gdp (Gdp).

Click the button at the right of each line of the table to display a bar chart of regime spending. Click a push button at the base of each cavalcade for a bar chart or pie nautical chart. You can correct click on the chart image to re-create and paste it into your ain content. Click the prototype to close the chart display.

Download Information

Tab-delimited Table

<table> Tabular array

Data Notes

Data Sources: For a discussion of the sources of the regime spending data used here read How Nosotros Got the Information for

Actual vs. Approaching: Government spending data in includes historical spending and also future spending in three categories: budgeted, estimated, and guesstimated . Records of recent spending are more detailed than historical records of before times.

All federal outlays prior to 2022, land spending prior to 2021 and local spending prior to 2020 are actual. More than recent spending, including future years out to 2027, are approaching, estimated, or guesstimated.

Federal expenditure for 1962 through 2027 is based on federal subfunction data published in the president's Budget of the United States Government. State and local expenditure—both for the U.s. as a whole and for individual states—for 1992 through 2019 is derived from spending, revenue, and debt numbers in the US Census Bureau's almanac survey of Country and Local Regime Finances.

State and local expenditure for the United States equally a whole between 1971 and 1991 is obtained from Statistical Abstract of the Us. Land and local expenditure for individual states betwixt 1957 and 1991 is obtained from an MS Access database at a U.s.a. Census Bureau site:

Federal expenditure between 1792 and 1961 and land and local expenditure for the United States as a whole between 1902 and 1971 is obtained from the United states of america Census Bureau'southward Bicentennial Edition: Historical Statistics of the United states, Colonial Times to 1970.

For a table of data sources come across Government Spending Information: Sources.

Authorities Spending Updates: The most contempo year for actual federal spending is FY 2021. The most recent year for actual state spending is FY 2020. The nearly contempo year for bodily local government spending is FY 2019.

Typically, federal spending for the fiscal year catastrophe September 30 is first updated from the US Treasury information published in mid October each twelvemonth, then updated when the federal budget is published the following February. State and local spending is updated when published past the US Census Bureau.

The update schedule is published on Authorities Spending Update Schedule.

Suggested Video: All Virtually Welfare

Spending Data Sources

Spending data is from official government sources.

  • Federal spending data since 1962 comes from the president'southward budget.
  • All other spending data comes from the US Census Bureau.

Gross Domestic Product data comes from US Bureau of Economical Assay and

Detailed table of spending data sources here.
Medicare breakdown here; Medicaid breakdown hither.

Federal spending information begins in 1792.

State and local spending data begins in 1820.

State and local spending information for private states begins in 1957.


U.s. Gross Output for 2021 Released

On April 01, 2022, updated its Gross Output series with the latest information from the Bureau of Economic Assay, including nominal Gross Output for calendar 2021 of $41.171 trillion. Gross Output for some years previous to 2021 have been revised by BEA. reports Gross Output on its Spending Details folio and permits charting of spending and acquirement as "percentage of Gross Output".

The Gross Output series extends back to 1947.


  1. Click on link.
  2. Under "Additional Information" click on "Access Underlying Item Tables."
  3. Click on "view detail levels tables... in XLSX format."
  4. Click on "Gross Output by Manufacture" link
  5. Relieve .xlsx file.

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